Septic System Repairs, Evaluations, Malfunctions

Eco Virginia's licensed staff have performed every type of repair on every type of septic system in Virginia. That's the crucial difference necessary to address the issues of repairs and malfunctions -- correctly, from the beginning.

Repairs to an existing onsite septic system must be authorized by the local health department with the issuance of a repair permit. If you have already obtained a repair permit and are ready for the construction work to be performed, Eco Virginia's licensed installers stand ready to assist.

Resolving a Notice of Violation

When an onsite septic system is malfunctioning, the local health department usually issues a Notice of Violation to the property owner. The issuance of this notice is standard procedure and typically informs the owner that the situation must be immediately addressed or the county has the authority to take additional action. 

The solution typically involves an evaluation of the system and/or property to determine the exact problem and proper course of action. In some cases the remedy can be a simple repair to a component of the system that is not functioning correctly. In other cases the entire system may need replacement.

Evaluations That Represent Your Best Interest

The key to properly addressing a repair or active malfunction begins with the evaluation.  The evaluation should be completed by a licensed individual with the knowledge, skills and expertise to determine the problem and convey all options available to the owner.  

In some circumstances improper evaluations can lead to unnecessary repairs and increased cost, or performing a repair that may temporarily alleviate the malfunction, but not represent a sustainable long-term solution.

Our entire staff is dedicated to providing our clients with honest and knowledgeable service at affordable prices. Whether you need an initial evaluation or a second opinion, Eco Virginia provides a complete professional service that represents your best interest.

Contact us today for more information or to schedule service.